Monday, September 10, 2012

See Ya, Hal: a modification

I kind of decided last week that running 5 days a week per the Hal Higdon plan doesn't really suit my body, my lifestyle, or my temperament. Everyone's busy - I get that - but I need a different balance than what the training plan offers. I'm cutting back to running one day on the weekend: Saturday. Having both Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings (which I practically live for) monopolized by mindful fueling, an early bedtime, or pounding the pavement was making me grumpy. 

I was in NYC for the tail end of last week, which unintentionally featured 3 rest days and less strength work than I would like. Hal's plan called for a step back this week and a 5K on Sunday. I looked hard for a Sunday 5K in NYC, and only one emerged. It's huge, for a cause, full of pink, was embroiled in controversy earlier this year, and rhymes with "Mace for a Pure." I figured a solo longer run  -- which I did on Saturday -- would be a better idea.
15 years ago, I worked at 2 WTC.
View toward lower Manhattan,
from the Staten Island Ferry.
Last week by the numbers:
Sunday – miles. 3 miles. It doesn't seem appropriate to call these the 3 pace miles I should have ran the day before because every single one of these miles was crappy and sluggish, right from the beginning.
Monday – stretch & strengthen.  Rest.
Tuesday – milesAn ugly 6 miles before work. My pacing was miserable. I feel like my body acclimated too easily to 3-milers and low humidity and now it's stuck and unable to churn out a longer run at a slower pace. This morning's run was in 76 degree temps and 85% humidity. Also, 1.25 hours vinyasa yoga. Actually, it was Dharma-inspired, which, to be honest, is not my favorite style of yoga. At. All. But one of my favorite yoginis emailed midday inviting me to attend class with her, and as the Universe would have it, I actually had yoga clothes and a mat in my office, making a post-work yoga class possible. Yay!
Wednesday – Rest.
Thursday – 3 miles.
Friday – Rest. 
Saturday – 5 miles & 1.5 hours vinyasa yoga. Every time I go to NYC, I make a point of stopping in at Chrissy Carter's class at Yogaworks Union Square. Love it. Love her.