Friday, October 5, 2012

On catching colds and bouncing from coast to coast

A few hints as to where I was last weekend...

Heh. That's right. Venice, CA (more or less).

Before I headed out to the west coast, I registered for a local 10K here in DC on October 7. Then I got a wicked sore throat last Wednesday, hopped on a plane on Friday, and stayed up way too late every night of the weekend. So, you know, I'm finally kicking this cold, and I have to run a 10K on Sunday. Which I'm really doing for the swag because I'm a sucker for swag. Especially if it looks like it'll fit.

So yes, on tap for the weekend is my first road 10K in over 5 years. If I weren't hacking up a lung right now, I'd say that I'd probably PR in the distance, if only because that last 10K was done in the dead of summer (read: early June in DC), and the weather forecast for Sunday has temps topping out at a way more civilized 56 degrees.

Last week (really, this means Sept. 23-29, which seems soooo long ago...) by the numbers:
Sunday – Rest.
Monday –  4 miles. 
Tuesday – 40 minutes tempo. 
Wednesday – Rest. Also, my body decided to pick up a cold today.
Thursday – Rest. 
Friday – 3 miles & yoga. And in between, I flew out to LA and dipped my feet into the Pacific Ocean. The yoga kicked booty and was awesome. Thank you, Studio Surya Yoga!
Saturday – 8 miles & a lot of dancing. Just as last week's 8 miles were the best training run of the cycle to date, this week's were the worst 8 miles. The time change and my cold did a number on me. 

Just for kicks, here's how the last 5 days looked:
Sunday – Rest.
Monday –  2.5 miles & 1.5 hours yoga. I went to the mother ship! But my lungs were not happy with the run.
Tuesday – Rest. 
Wednesday – 3 miles.  Holy cow. A very fast-paced 3 miles to the Lincoln Memorial and back to the office after work. There was a ton of algae growing in the recently reopened Reflecting Pool. Ew.
Thursday – Pilates tower.