Saturday, October 20, 2012

Army Ten-Miler Stoke

It's Army Ten-Miler weekend!

Last fall, I decided it was time to graduate to half marathons and registered for the Richmond Half, and so for the first time ever, the Army Ten-Miler is not my peak distance race. So, I've come into this weekend not as anxious as I have in the past. It's a very unexpected feeling. It's not that I'm confident to the point where I feel I'm likely to PR; my training has been neither consistent nor diligent enough for that to happen. Rather, it's that I know the range of finish times that my training will put me in, and after that, it's sort of anyone's guess how I'll do. And I'm okay with that. Weird. Who am I?? (I think it's because I'm freaking out about the half marathon....)

I went through a pretty seamless packet pickup yesterday and then came upon this knowing sign on my walk home from the Metro:
Carb soup! Yes!
So, goals for this year's Army 10-Miler...

Arrive Early. I know it sounds like I'm joking every time I write this, but after last year where I didn't move off the Metro platform at Pentagon until three trains arriving after mine unloaded, I really, really want to get to the venue early. Last year's transportation and pre-race logistics stressed me out. I know arriving early increases the possibility of being cold and waiting around, but that's a better option for me than panicking at the port-o-potties and then sprinting to the corral. 

Finish in under 1:40. Here's my history with this race: 2011 – 1:42:25; 2010 – sold bib; 2009 – 1:50:21; 2008 – 1:33:49. I'm sort of all over the place, and because I was sick when I ran the 10K a few weeks ago, I'm not entirely sure what my speed is. Based on training times, I'm fit enough to go under 1:40. The question is how close to 1:30 can I get??

Get as close to 1:30 as possible. I know, I know, this is a fluffy goal. I would love to run 10 miles in under 1:30 someday. When I was less than 4 minutes off at my first Army Ten-Miler, I thought sub 1:30 was within reach. Then I realized how awesome (for me) shape I was in in 2008. Sigh.  :)

See you at the finish line!

Last week by the numbers:

Monday: 5 miles & 1.5 hours vinyasa yoga. 

Tuesday: Rest.

Wednesday: 3 miles.

Thursday: 1 hours Pilates reformer.

Friday: 2 miles. I'll admit. My legs did not feel good. At all.

Saturday:  1.25 hours yoga.