Last week demonstrated that if I want the Richmond Half to go as planned (read: sub-2 hour), I will need to quickly learn how to best balance yoga teaching, race training, and being a full-time not-a-yoga-teacher. From Sunday through Saturday, I taught 7 classes and 90% failed to stick to the maintenance running plan. I wouldn't trade having taught any of those classes, but half marathon base building didn't exactly get on track from picking up an extra 4 classes. And I still am pretty bad at getting enough sleep. On the other hand, I am all caught up on episodes of MasterChef, just in time for the show to go into reruns during the Olympics.
Last week by the numbers:
Sunday – 6 miles. Massage!
Monday – 3 miles + strength. 6 miles in 76 degrees and 91% relative humidity. Technically, this was my long run scheduled for Sunday, except I was up until 4am on Sunday reading The Help. By the time I woke up on Sunday, it was time for my massage. Anyway, a little less than halfway through Monday's run, a friend spotted me while biking into work, although we didn't confirm this until later in the week. Hi James! Then with about .75 miles left to go, I treated myself to a walk up an on-ramp and promptly got passed by Emily. Also, 1.5 hours vinyasa yoga. Yes, I consider my yoga practice "strength."
Tuesday – Rest.
Wednesday – 4 x hills. Uhm. More rest. I excel at it.
Thursday – 3 miles + strength. 2.6 miles. I meant to go farther, except the run was a commute to a yoga class that I was teaching, and I forgot which "long way to the yoga studio" route to take. I was early to the studio. Mat Pilates in the evening.
Friday – 1 hour vinyasa yoga.
Saturday – 35 minute fartlek. 7 miles. The first 4.5 miles were moving well at a slightly sub-10 minute mile pace where I kept urging myself to slow down. Then, at the point farthest from home, my calves started screaming and the quads weren't too thrilled, either. The last 2.5 miles were a disaster. I need to figure out how to stop this from happening or else I'll be walking across the finish line in November.