Back at the end of December 2011, I listed 11 intentions for 2012. It's now the beginning of July (yikes, how did we get here??), and time to check in with how things are going.
Things that can be knocked off the list:
1. Run a trail race.
Done! In June, I ran the 10K distance of the North Face Endurance Challenge.
2. Backcountry hut ski trip.
Done! I hit the Wallowas in northeastern Oregon in March.
3. Teach a regular, weekly sunrise yoga class.
Done! I'm teaching two weekly restorative yoga classes, too!
Three. Three intentions realized so far.
As for the things I still need to's a long list:
2. Half marathon finish in under 2 hours. Specific training doesn't start until later this summer. But I'm building a base right now.
3. PR in the 5K distance. A work in progress...
4. Volunteer at the race expo of a major local race. I was all ready to volunteer at the packet pickup for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler in April, but then the opportunity to go on a hut ski trip came up, and I seized that opportunity. Then I was thinking I'd volunteer at the half Ironman just outside of DC in August, even though I think that triathletes are a special kind of crazy endurance athletes. The half Ironman got canceled, so who knows when/if I'll volunteer this year.
5. Ski a line, look up and say, "Holy shitake mushrooms, I just ripped that!" This has so not happened yet. Maybe in December?? Although I rarely ski that early when I'm on the east coast.
5. Ski a line, look up and say, "Holy shitake mushrooms, I just ripped that!" This has so not happened yet. Maybe in December?? Although I rarely ski that early when I'm on the east coast.
6. Ski the Gulf of Slides on Mt. Washington. This is life intention, really, not a 2012 intention. So I'm fine with it not happening this year (tends to be a spring thing).
7. Stay injury-free and healthy. In the grand scheme of things, I'm doing well here. But getting a cold during 3/4 of the training cycle for my first trail race was not ideal. And to be honest, this is a permanent intention, not just a 2012 one.
8. Sleep 8 hours a night. I'm so not good at this. Except the night before races and the night after them. This is another permanent intention, not a 2012-specific one.