A-Rod becomes the youngest player to reach the 500-HR milestone, Bonds catches Aaron's 755 (although the Giants lose to the Padres in 12), the Nationals give out Thomas Jefferson bobbleheads
and beat the Cardinals in commanding fashion (12-1) -- perhaps in fear of being the team that gives up the home run that will propel Bonds into the record books -- and I get hit on by a guy standing outside Rumors at 3pm and wearing a Red Sox t-shirt, all in the same day. Mere coincidence? Baseball sprites? Moons of Jupiter aligning? And who's outside on the patio at Rumors on a sweltering Saturday afternoon when there's Mackeys, Porters, Lucky Bar and the Big Hunt all within spitting distance?? Gah.
My favorite post-500 home run quote from A-Rod, by the way, is:
You wish you could pay each fan back by shaking their hands, but all I could do is hit a home run and win a game. They wasted a lot of Kodak film on me this week, I'm just glad I was able to pay them back.
Digital, Alex, we live in a digital world now.